
I wish I was a cat. I would have a life to fulfill my fashion dreams, one to fulfill my acting dreams, one for guitar, one for writing, one for movie directing, one for photography, one for fine arts, one for a normal life, and one for teaching.

Because you can't go on tour with an insane band and then teach kindergarteners their ABC's.

Also I could poop in a box.

[eleanor hardwick, foto decadent]


HeyHuiyunn said...

1st to post a comment :]
love the pics on your blog
and I love reading your blog


Amelia said...

I love that 2nd picture so much. Sounds like a plan.

Leah P. said...

wow, wishful thinking

Anonymous said...

shouldn't you be sleeping tavi!?

Marilyn Roxie said...

Ah, I know what you mean...music is my main deal, but if I could also be a professional photographer, author, video game designer, and Lolitamod expert I'd be pretty jazzed! :P And where is that first cat pic from?!

Ana said...

Eleanor Hardwick is so inspirational.

Anonymous said...

still all like..wow.and yeah.omygosh.i wish u went to my school so i could be all like friends with you.and i could say."yeah..i know her."
though i admit that would probably annoy you after a few hours,and wow.you're MY AGE.and hairdressers are all patronising and condesceding and small town life is depressingly small and EVERYONE is RELATED TO EACH OTHER.its scaring me.
anyway..sorry.goood post.also if u were a cat you should have an interesting name.cats called fluffy/snowball/meow are soo predictable.where are all the feline gertrudes and sophias?
sorry for randomness.
and wow.

J.Yo said...

and i love being stroked by nice people.


Tara Rose said...

Oh my dear tav's. If you were a cat everyone would love an want to pat your fur and stroke your whisker and HEY! you'd be full filling another dream, your long beard, well whiskers. HeHe! Keep on keepin' on.

xoxo, T.

Anonymous said...

As having the nickname 'Little Cat' from drawing wiskers on my face half of the time, I fully understand your dream of being a cat.

cable_zombie said...

The Jackson's kinda went on tour and tought people their ABC's...

Emy Augustus said...

I like the first picture.

Anonymous said...

i've just discovered your blog and i love it!
it's amazing how talentuous you are and of course i don't only say that because of the buzz regarding your age and stuff, but i really find it original, pretty and sincere !
Best of luck and thanks for all that !

Lopi said...

I would spend all nine lives lying on a couch with small breaks for begging for food, while the humans worked their asses off all day.
Cats are some lucky bastards!

K8 said...

Being a cat would be awesome. But they don't have obosable thumbs which would definatly be a let down.

Lauren said...

Sheryl Crow was an elementary school music teacher before she was famous.

kristina said...

peaches was a teacher as well, and she plays with an insane band.


Anonymous said...

i really do hope you become an elementary school teacher. you'd be the best - teaching kids how to rap, showing them that nothing needs to match to be pretty, oh, and being original and such... yeah. i'd easily put my future kids under your tutelage.

Isabel said...

If you were a cat, i would adopt you and feet you in gourmet food and buy you clothes from Cat Prin. (google it.)

Leah said...

i love that both pictures you chose are so different and yet so similar in inspiration.

my pure white cat likes to play in the fireplace and come out covered in grease and soot. she gets alot of loving and bathing.

In-tree-gue said...

If only there was enough time to do everything

Karina Cifuentes said...

Just read an old issue of T Magazine and found you. Love your blog - keep it up, fashionista!



Emily said...

Nine lives would be awesome, so many things to do, so many places to go and people to BE! Keep up these intruiging posts, they keep me going on even the most mundane days at my job =)


Hannah said...

"also i could poop in a box" lawlllll...that made me laugh

love the first picture! amazin'

KG said...

haha...love your list
you will be the coolest teacher tavi! i will send my kids to you.

- Mar - said...

Hey!, I'm a spanish girl, I saw you in a magazine (RAGAZZA).
You're really amazing I love your style!:)

kisses :**
pd: I don't speak english very well haha(H)

Christina said...

I absolutely love your blog and you have been tagged!

Hazel said...

mmmMMMmmz. kitties.
yeah, pooping in a box sure sounds dandy. haha.
here's more:


TheShoeGirl said...

you could do al that stuff!

... well if you want to poop in a box, maybe don't tell anyone.

Jennifer Anne said...

"Because you can't go on tour with an insane band and then teach kindergarteners their ABC's."

Sure you can! I have a couple of friends who are both totally punk rock and also teachers.

Anonymous said...

One of the cat is like my cat, she is called Sasha :) You can see a photo of her in my Blog http://yoamomiestilo.blogspot.com :) Kisses!

Christie Yuri Noh said...

haha. maybe not a cat. i agree with all nine lives.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea for your characters outfits. Margot Tenenbaum!!! You said they were all from books but it's great anyway.

MICA said...

i'm from argentina.
nice to meet you!
i like all your pictures :)
merry christmas.

steph said...

the top picture makes me giggle.

Anonymous said...

i wrote this really long awesome comment.. and bam. the internet ate it.
cats are awesome. you are awesome.
keep inspiring (me) that is.
and please send some of your epic sense of style to vancouver because this city desperately needs it.
the end.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I love that cat picture so much, I actually posted it on my blog back in May, even though it had nothing to do with vintage (which is what my blog is about... )!

See? http://blog.marketpublique.com/post/36374299/cat-lady-part-ii

LJ said...

Oh boy I know how you feel.
I want to act
To write novels(more than anything actually)
To paint
to make music
to be a journalist
to be a doctor
to be a publisher
to be a biologist.
To go back in time and do ballet from the age of 5 and do that all my life
and to be a fashion designer

. said...

oh you

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