Not sure what inspired today's outfit, but the collar is something I cut off of an old Halloween costume in the hopes of being able to create Miu Miu outfits. This one wasn't going for a Circus theme (or any, for that matter) but I thought it would be a nice touch, no?

I own a tutu that I bought a while ago from Claire's (of all places) and am still working on wearing it. How many ways are there, without looking like a ballerina stereotype or hooker? Not many, I'll tell ya. Today I wore it underneath another skirt I own to up the volume. I stuck the bow through where the skirt buttons, too.
boots and skirt, thrifted. shirt and headband, secondhand. tights, american apparel. tutu, claire's. collar, DIY.
The volume thang makes me not-too-attractive in the eyes of stick-minded middle school boys, but when Kevin Arnold starts attending my middle school, then AND ONLY THEN will I resort to non-creepy, flattering outfits.
p.s. I know of the Wonder Years because they used to show it on Ion television every night but stopped about a year ago. Why is it I find myself constantly having to defend my age/identity? Do your research, look through my archives, open your eyes, but I'm pretty tired of answering the same questions.
tavi. aim. nao. belle is bitching.
I have homework and then hebrew school and for all I know you are ugly (ahem pictures) so you are therefore NOT WORTH MY DINNERTIME.
If you have a slightly longer skirt, pull it up a little higher and belt it with a thick belt, over the tutu. It won't look like you have a belly. I have the same problem with I try that.
I really like the second shot. To get the volume where it should be, wear the whole lot lower on your hips, where one-piece tutu skirts start. (Good afternoon class, this is your Ballet Teacher speaking . . )
I like this... its kind of quirky and cute. Something you'd find on a Japanese runway.
Oh! And I forgot, I tagged you!
I love the collar detail, great outfit. This is going to sound weird, but I really respect you for wearing below-the-knee skirts. I just can't bring myself to do it.
Love the whole thing!
Love the whole thing!
Great Wonder Years reference.
you are amazing. i wish i had style and grace like this when i was your age...or even now for that matter.
hi, i live in iowa.
I have no idea how I found your blog, but I've been checking in for about two months now.
i thiiiiiink you are the coolest person alive.
I am totally in love with Kevin Arnold.
you're way cooler than Winnie.
oh goodness gracious, i loveyou.
i'm too stupid to think of layering tutus! only buying unnecessary (oh, but very very necessary) amounts of tulle!
ahaha...hebrew school. so glad i'm done with that, as thrilling as it was. *eye roll*
anyways, i'd just like to comment that i really want a tutu too, but how to wear it without looking like a halloween costume, or just plain nuts?
it was so strange, seeing your face in a non-fashion blog post just now (see url below). which is a testament to the fact that your likability and charm know no bounds.
what i'm trying to say is, julia alison of 'time out new york' is quite taken with you:
in other news, i'm getting those aa tights and wearing a different shoe on each foot, i don't care.
and lastly. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REFERENCED THE WONDER YEARS. this is why i adore you.
i love your tights
I wish I was as cool as you 11 years ago...keep rockin' it!
Ah such a sweet outfit...all I can think of with that top/collar combo is Slightly Rebellious 1950s Housewife. In an awesome way.
your tights remind me of chanel. i love this outfit. your skirt is flipppppin rad.
Oh Tavi you are so much cooler than everyone around you. That was meant in a non patronising way, but for some reason it came out so.
Anyway, the vollume in the skirt looks fantastic. You are a genuis
Love it. You look rad. Keep rocking it!
wow i didnt even go shopping when i was in your age(well thats my lost)
you have a lovely blog sweety
lots of love
Love the outfit! It's very Wonder Years!
You are seriously the hottest thing I've come across in a while. Loving it!
Wow, only a few people look good wearing such outfits, but you definitely look great wearing all that.
Awesome blog, keep on writing.
Tavi, I thought I was clever at age 12, but you have far out-clevered me and trust me, I was pretty darned clever.
What a GREAT KID you are. I wish you great success. Question: is there anyway to add feedburner to your site so I can subscribe?
I'm an old grandma (you can see my grandma brag blog at http://grandmasbragblog.tumblr.com) so trust me, I'm not stalking you. I just wish I had been blessed with a kid like you! I had one step-daughter and 4 boys. Yeah. I'm a bit over the boys in the house thing. God knew this, though and has now blessed me with 4 granddaughters and another granddaughter on the way! Yee Haw!!
Grandma Karla
PS When you get a chance, pop on over to rural Indiana and give me some fashion advice! ;-) Not many fashionistas around here. But I do love my designer bags!
taaaavi you are the coolest and i admire you for having such an aversion to comic sans (the sickest typeface ever that i eagerly used to write essays in the 5th grade in like 1998 when i thought it was totally SWEET!) i know better now, and i'm pleased you stick to classier sans serif faces. aahahaha
my friend sent me to your blog saying your style reminded him of me and indeed it does, i love it and thank you for being the most awesome little girl. you are truly inspiring!
omg U are my new idol, love Ur look, I wish I had at least some of Ur fashion sense when I were 12 :>
hey, i randomly read the first two comments by mistake and OMG you go to hebrew school? ME TOO! haha. well i went until i was 13 and got bat mitzvahed. it sucked for me :[
anyways, great outfit! the collar is cute. i don't think you look fat, though!
You have the best style!!
Love your blog!
Your blog inspires many sketches for me with each post! I know it's pretty late that I'm commenting on your video's, but they're hilarious and I love reading/watching you!
I'm from Malaysia. It must feel so awesome to know that people from all over care about what you have to say.
Never ever ever stop what you're doing!
Good lord, I just stumbled across your blog through another and I'm browsing it in awe. I think maybe you're the coolest person in the world. I'm sure youget tired of hearing "I can't believe you're only 12!" but I'm going to do it to you because you have me reflecting on my former self...fumbling with words, telling myself I was too old to play with toys and most definitely wearing whatever my mom bought me from Sears. You're amazing. I'm hooked!
A Wonder Years Reference. You are hilarious and just completed my life.
P.S. This outfit is amazing.
You look like a ballerina from a music box on her casual day.
Hey did you see foto_decadent today? This post-> http://community.livejournal.com/foto_decadent/1896546.html
totally reminds me of you, or of something you would do (the cool makeup and stuff)
Keep on keepin' on!
Thanks guys!
Anonymous-That is so weird you say that, I was thinking of posting it today! What a compliment to hear they reminded you of my blog. Thank you!
Love the skirt!
it's like a walking Harlequin
Okay, why are you waaay cooler than me and I am the one with a "clothing line" and "married to a professional athlete"? Tavi - you are seriously adorable and I admire your confidence!! The peices you combine are truely fashion forward and you have an impecable eye for, I'll say it, a TWELVE YEAR OLD?! Please stay true to yourself and keep being such an adorable, smart & articulate girl. You are on your way to being wildly successful... and internet famous I might say. Hold on to your headband..
*I am not responsible for spelling errors in this post - my elementary school teachers are.
One more thing... you are ridiculously mature but I just cant not say this. You are 12. You are well spoken so it is easy to forget. You will run across some freaks, rude & crude people, and some just plain evil people, as this is the internet and people are semi-anonymous. PLEASE DONT TAKE ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS TO HEART! You are seriously adorable and a stunning child, but you are a child and these days kids deal with alot more than *we* had to at 12 years old, with the internet and such. Only soak in the positive and tune out the negative because when you put yourself out there on a blog like this, you are bound to run across some messed up people. Ignore them :) Your FAB.
Hello Tavi,
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
We were so thrilled to have discovered your video rap hommage to the recent H&M Comme des Garcons collaboration. We even posted in on our Facebook page, so expect a few hundred thousand additional hits!
Additionally, we would love to send you a gift. If your parents agree, can you tell us a way to contact you?
Best regards,
Jordan Nasser, H&M
lol @ kevin arnold reference. how do u even knoww of The Wonder Years? they stopped showing that in australia yonks ago.
Thanks guys <3
That girl-Thank you for the really sweet advice. I'll carry that on with me...
Jordan-Wow, that's so nice of you! My email is tavitoons@yahoo.com, and we can talk from there. Again, thank you!!
mchevelle-They showed it on ION television a couple years ago. Now they've stopped for some stupid reason but I plan on sending them a petition or complaint letter...not really, but you know...
I think the skirt is very 50s-ish like a circle skirt or something. I don't know. But I wish I had a tutu. Except not the weird one I got with my dance costume....
Cute little girl !
Consider yourself bookmarked. You are seriously fierce.
Check it out: I found you here -
I love the outfit, very cute!
Stop it now. The fact that you are 12 years old and so heart-breakingly cool is quite literally killing me but how will I explain that to my doctor? "It seems you're perishing," he'll say, and how will I explain?
No but really, you are the epitome of awesome and I am almost convinced that you are really 20something but discovered magic to return you to the age of 12
how refreshing! someone so creative and ballsy! i was way to shy to dress so fun at your age! keep up the good work!!
Yo Tavi!
I've decided to actually comment! That skirt is soo smart! The tutu for fullness is a nice touch!
PS: I checked out the H&M facebook page, and they did indeed mention you on their wall! I am always skeptical about people offering me stuff via the web (especially when there are typos involved), so I did a bit of searching for you...just in case!
heaven forbid someone think "wonderfully plump and fat" would be attractive.
like everything but the patterns and colors of the skirt.
i have an aversion to houndstooth.
listen to no shit by eskimo & sons.
best song since friend and foe came out. i find it necessary to tell everyone about good music.
also: for fashion ideas look up of montreal performances. saw them last night in portland and the performance art was so amazing. and the costumes and makeup of kevin. (NOT kevin arnold haha. the frontman of the band)
sorry to bombard.
here is my chum maddie who reminds me infinitely of you . take a look at her other pics as well. this one is photographed by my best friend her sister. i think its brilliant
oops no link.
I just found your blog and I am absolutely freaking enthralled. You are so clever with your words and your style - when I was 12 (I mean I'm only 17 so it wasn't so long ago) I was horribly ugly and unstylish.
I'm officially a fan. Keep up the excellent work.
Incidentally, do you know if they are still selling tutus at Claires? I could go for one, myself.
really cute outfit.
The collar adds a nice touch.
And those tights are just the greatest.
Tutus are really cute but seem hard to wear, I've been looking for one too.
Gosh, you probably get this a lot but when I was your age I pretty much didn't even know what a blog was or how to dress in not nasty huge tshirts and cargo pants. D:
You inspired me to start my own fashion blog, I love the way you draft out outfits and take time and care with your thoughts and mind to really make an outfit work for you!
even when i have bad days, I am going to try and feel better inside by the way I feel, the way I dress, the love we give:)
check mine out if you get a chance girl
Love your style! Makes me wanna be less lazy.
I just started a film blog, I'd love if you check it out!
Love your style! Makes me wanna be less lazy.
I just started a film blog, I'd love if you check it out!
I so did NOT look this good at 12. That skirt is fabulous, can't get over it!
lovely outfit, so cute!
aww your whole outfit + you are too cute!
tavi! can you please invite me to join lookbook? my mail is belina_222@hotmail.com
Im argentinean.
i love your style, you are so cute
I think you are plum wonderful Tavi. You are inspiring and entertaining and courageous.
Great outfit! Love the volume.
Are you really 12? It's hard to believe, especially with the Wonder Years reference.
i love this outfit :)
Ack, this outfit is so cute! I love it!
Just discovered your blog and am already hooked! You have so much style and grace for so few years--and I know what you mean about having to defend your age/identity so I'm not meaning offense in the slightest--as someone who is in a career where all her colleagues are at least a decade older, I constantly find myself doing the same (and lying about my age even though I'm almost late-20's so people take me more seriously). Rock on, sista, you're awesome!
Tavi, this outfit is so lovely...I don't quite know why but it reminds me of a sort of lonely broken hearted Lolita...and the soft light is gorgeous.
O man, I know what you mean in your "p.s."- I'm 21 and I still have to deal with people being shocked that I know anything about life before I was born. The latest example it my boss being surprised that I knew what a record player was....
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