When it was officially announced that Barack Obama is the new president of the United States, someone set off fireworks a couple blocks down from my house. I'll never forget that moment when I looked out the window, and saw a new light sparking a new hope.
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."
In all honesty, I can't even remember the last time I felt proud to be an American-I now know what it feels like, and I am so, so blessed. Tonight I got my answer.
Obama has inspired me in ways I can't explain. There's so much hard work ahead, but to have faith in someone is a wonderful feeling. To know they'll do great things with all the support they've received is an even better one.
"Our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared."
Yes we can.
start of something beautiful? i sure hope so
must be a very cool time to be a young american, i've got my fingers crossed for you all :)
wow i completely get what you mean and i'm not even american, but i feel america is such a big umbrella to the world at times whether we like it or not - that obama was more than a president for america, he felt like he could renew the faith in humanity that was lost, and yeah like you said, new found hope, actually did you say that? *checks*
i can't see it now but yes i'm really excited, a friend and i were planning to move to mars if he didn't win, now we can save our money for something else equally expensive, like, like, like... whatever we want.
I'm so fucking proud of American now. Whenever Obama speaks it just runs shivers down my spine.
I think my family were the only ones watching the election on my block. :/ but I know the happiness and excitement I felt when Obama was announced as the new elected president was shared with many many people around the united states and even the world. His win has totally inspired me. Right now I really feel as if anything is impossible and that indeed: yes we can!
Congratulations. I did my work too :)
I did not stay up for the elections past 10pm, but I was swiftly awoken by one of my neighbors blasting "We are the Champions" from his speakers and yelling incoherent things as loudly as possible. :)
I really appreciate that Obama got so many people enthralled in the voting process.
I'm very very glad to hear young people speaking the way you just did. It's good to hear that young people are interested, aware and inspired. Way to go, Tavi!
you are my hero.
your video was adorable in such a profound way!
You made me want to vote for America (despite my being Canadian and 13)
i am so happy.
"... and unyielding hope."
it is a beautiful thing.
we are rising out of the ashes...
Yay Tavi we did it!
It's so awesome to see you and all other underage peeps that wish they could vote and feel so empowered and filled with hope from this election.
Wish you could've been out last night when everybody was dancing in the street and hugging! It was totally insane.
I am the only person I know who is actually happy Obama got elected. Everyone else is running around like the freaking antichrist just got elected and it's totally killing my buzz.
In all honesty, I can't even remember the last time I felt proud to be an American
This is the first time in six years I've felt even a hint of national pride. It's grossly unfair that you've had to live your life without it at all.
And it's nice to think we might be turning it around.
finally! someone to change something!
i plan on moving to the us after our form of "high school" (after grade 13, so in 2 years) and i really wouldnt have as long as mccain and palin were president and vice president cause theyre just AWFUL people.
so i got up at 5am today (thats when we got the results this morning) and i was seriously almost crying, so happy, and i'm not even american :]
i dont wanna be friends with anyone who'd vote for these 2 losers, haha. i'm so happy. :]
Right on, Tavi! I feel exactly the same way.
This is EXACTLY what I've been trying to explain to the people who doubt that Obama can carry off all he's promised.
Yes there is a huge task ahead, but for the first time in so long America has a president that excites people, that restores peoples faith, hopes and dreams... and that is often half the battle.
Enjoy this feeling...
Well said Tavi! x
I hate this -______-''
I couldn't vote, because I'm 13 and I'm not American.
And I had to get up at 5.45 this morning to watch tv. I was dancing all around the house when i heard that Obama won and I woke up my little brother :D Then he hit me.
I have no idea, why I'm writing all of this ;DD
oh yes. I can once in my life say, that I am proud of the americans.
couldnt have said it better myself. I still get the occasional goosebumps from looking at our First Family and hearing his speech.
Yes we can ! Yes We Did! Yes We WILL!!
God, I love him. His speaches are poetic...He'll do a great job.
i was so moved by obama's speech. except when i came to school and pretty much everyone i know is "dying" or "will die" from not having mccain in office. boo them.
I completely agree with every last word you said. Last night was so incredibly inspirational and I cannot wait until January 20, 2009.
I'm not American but have lived here for the past year and this is the first time I feel like I will "fit in" and feel actually proud to live here... vs always braggin' about Canada. :P
Just to hear his speech and realize that this revolutionary moment Im witnessing will change the world is so beautiful. I feel so lucky, and blessed; it was absolutely life-changing. He awakened parts of my soul that I didn't know could be changed that way. It was so inspiring, and amazing. These words will not express how I felt when he gave that speech.
frig i love you
"I WILL HURT YOU. that is not a threat, that is a promise. -12 year old girl who is taller than me." is my current msn name.
I was at grant park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was there! this is an amazing time we are coming to.........
In all honesty, I can't even remember the last time I felt proud to be an American-I now know what it feels like, and I am so, so blessed. Tonight I got my answer.
EXACTLY how I feel. Wow!
i watched at 4:15 pm with my mom at home in Australia. we were so happy.
we high fives and started laughing. then we watched obama's speech. it was even more brill than kevin rudd's (australia's barack, sorta)
all the non-political people in my grade minus 1 watched or heard about it. we all talked about on the train and at lunch and stuff. and the teachers let us check ongoing results for it during class in computer room.
i felt happy today. blissful.
i still do.
Hey Tavi, I love reading your blog its a refreshing change from the mindless drivel that tends to clog the blogosphere. Great quirky sense of enthusiasim and brilliant style, you have so much potential! You should be the next editor of US vogue or something... what are you going to do when you're done with school?
I added a link to you from my blog but i've only just started out blogging... id love your opinion!
You are an absolute doll. You know, on my off time i tutor students your age if one of my tutors calls in sick. today i had to help an 8th grader that does not know how to read...nor did he know who Biden was until today. It was an extremely frustrating 2 hours and I hope my tutor doesn't call in sick again. I am so very glad that you are aware of your surroundings, specifically politically aware. Aside from that, loving the stage makeup :)
i LOVE LOVE ur photo in which u look like ur shouting.
mind me kissing u? no? well *kiss*
okay. i'm not gonna freak you out.
but yeah, i do love your posts.
and another thing, i can imagine my newspaper headline tomorrow will be sth like, " OBAMA WON A LANDSLIDE" or "AMERICA CHOSE OBAMA"
awesome. he's sending waves internationally.
Actually he isn't the new president, he is just the president elect. He won't be the new president until he is inaugurated
the whole world is saying jeez you guys finally got it right!
bout time
next note: Obama's hot
the air is charged, time they are a changin'
I'm so glad to hear such positive thoughts!
Anonymous-Riiiight, not until January 20th, if I'm not mistaken?
Obama is a seriously talented orator and echoes the trends of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches in the way they evoke passion in the audience. It's phenomenal. I think he will do great things for America and for the world. Michelle as the first lady is absolutely ravishing and completely holds her own. They are such a fantastic pair!
Tavi, what do your parents do?
My dad is a high school english teacher, my mom used to be a preschool teacher but quit a year or 2 ago to weave tapestries, something she did 20 years ago before any of her daughters were born...along with that she teaches guitar and Torah study...why do you ask?
I find it VERY, VERY sad that a 12 year old would say, that she cannot even remember when last she felt proud of America.
What has become of our youth!!
America, the greatest country in the world, who ever the President...
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