Friend: Did you hear TI was arrested?
Me: As in, the calculator?

I am such a geek cliche O_o When I told my dad, he said "So? That's good that you thought of Texas Instruments. Why should you know of this rapper guy? I don't know of him and I'm very hip!"
Today he wore a sweater vest.

Anywamalamadingdong, today I wore my CDG top again today. Get used to it, bitches. Along with it, my Tao-esque boots and a pink ribbon around my neck, with a back-of-the-closet dress. This all in a failed attempt to pay regards to
CDG Fall 2007, probably the most girly Rei has ever gotten. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Comme des Garcons translated is "one of the boys?"

Winter is officially upon us my friends, it actually started snowing right after I went inside! It's getting colder and I LOVE IT, but outfit pictures will sadly have to be inside from now on. Inside it's just as cold though, my mom is Norwegian and therefore PREFERS to have the heat at 44 degrees. Then my father comes home and acts like his Jewish mother, "Now who in their right mind puts the heat at 45 degrees? What's wrong with them? Oy vey."
What the dress looks like normally:

Also, I've gotten a few emails regarding Google, and that when you google Style Rookie my blog doesn't come up directly. I turned Search Engine settings off so people at my school can't find my blog, but last time I googled it it worked? Did anyone else have trouble finding my blog? If it becomes too much of a problem, I'll change it.
[foto decadent]
I love the top that was a piece I wanted to get if it came to my area. I'm thinking of doing a diy of it but in brighter colors. I probably would have thought a person was talking about calculators when they metioned TI too.
You look SO good!
I think Comme des Garcons means 'like the boys".
I love the fact that you blog almost every day. I always enjoy it when people update their blogs.
I just googled Style Rookie and this site was the first thing that came up, so no worries.
I really wish my local H&M had CDG, but unfortunately I live in Pennsylvania. Booooo!
You've probably heard this before, but I think you look like Michelle Williams.
Thank you guys!
Anon-I've actually never heard that, nor do I know who she is. Should I be ashamed?
Hello, Lars! :) I love the CdG top, and who cares if you wear it on consecutive days?
Comme des Garcons means "like the boys". Or "like some boys". Depends, I think. It's been a while since my last French class.
Your hair looks particularly adorable today!
And don't feel bad, I actually thought the calculator first, and I know of the rapper guy too... I love my TI, in any case.
It's a shame that dress only fits as a skirt.
LOL about the TI. Because TI the calculator is way better than TI the rapper BECAUSE:
TI the calculator saved a girl's life.
(Dammit, I just spent like, twenty minutes trying to find the article...Anyway, in Chattenooga, this girl was shot and her giant purse saved her life, and there was an awesome pic of a TI-83 that was totally shattered by the bullet. It saved her life, man)
HOLY SHIT that's amazing!
and i like calculators better than rappers.. although i do enough the occasional wu tang song
love the CDG top reminds me a bit of the mbmj cardigan from this season.
and what really made this blog entry so great was the heavyweights reference in the title (i REALLY hope that's what you implied, otherwise i am an idiot). I LOVE HEAVYWEIGHTS :)
oui. comme de garcons means that. je parle le francais aussi. hhaha
DING DING DING ginny!! I love you for that! My health-crazed science teacher showed it to us today at lunch (?!?!)
Tavi = God in 12-year-old form.
Great dress/skirt thing! I'm indifferent over TI calculator vs. rapper haha. I'm not a fan of either!
I concur with izzie.
P.S. This was total de ja vu of a conversation i had last week.
Girl: I don't understand boys in our grade. They just talk about football and TI.
Girl: exactly.
Nice combo! I just saw your blog today. Fresh.
Flashback, 17 years- when I was 12, I thought my Texas Instrument was the coolest thing to hit my backpack since my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper. Those were the days... Anyway, your blog is the best! Besitos!
LOVE the top. please be an outfit repeater and i wouldn't care if it was the top..
i honestly dont know what a TI is too~~
I was just out in the snow yesterdday. It was soooo..... cold. I love the dress.
I'm sure Comme des Garçons means "like the boys" (I'm French).
oh man... maybe you can change it into a skirt... but you must detach the collar and use it by all means... it's totally screaming
Just by they way, I am one of your readers ;), and hey, guess what, I haven't searched for your blog :P. I know it, because address to it was on some Polish fashion site - you were described on it almost as a fashion queen :P. And way of your writing was described as really intelligent and full of great sense of humour.
And, ijust google Style Rookie, and you cameup immediately.
I LOVE YOU????!!!
haha marry me :)
I dunno if youll read this cuz u get sow many comments but shall we trade links ??:)
Oh, I like the fact that you mother is Norwegian! Does a lot of the people at your school know about your blog?
the outfits from the last three posts are dazzling!
You look so cute! 8)
I have utterly no idea who TI is. But then I can't say i'm the hippest.
I love that dress!
Oh my Lord, Tavi. I found your Rei rap on someone's tumblr, and I think I've fallen in love with you. You're the coolest kid ever!
Love always,
Dude, I'd totally wear that sweater every day if i owned it!
NICE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!
Who needs to Google when I just type 'tav' and your blog comes up....
The dress is adorable...why does it not fit as a dress and only a skirt...?
Great outfits/ I dont even know who TI is.
1) your style be ridiculous, in a good way
2) i am so happy people still watch Heavyweights. No one knows what I mean when I reference it. "oh look! A DELI MEAT!"
Love the outfit and the top, and believe me I wouldn't even ask if it was the calculator, I'd just assume it was. I'm such a nerd. I like the cold as long as I'm not in it for too long and I love snow, but I leave school around 5 almost every day so it's dark which SUCKS and is my main reason for disliking winter.
it means "like boys"
sfkjasfjsdlhfsdjfklsdjl snow! I can't wait until it snows here... it's freaking freezing but not snowy yet. And that CDG top is so perfect for you....
cute!! love the bows!
you are everything, tavz.
Hahahah, Oh my lord, the beginning of this post like made me pee.
"He wore a sweater vest today."
i bought a sweater vest today... It's rather nice though, not really a vest at all. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I want to marry you. Uh... if i liked girls....
Peace out.
Friend: Did you hear TI was arrested?
Me: As in, the calculator?
i would totally say the same thing... and my father thinks he's hip as well. it kills me. the other day he heard the song about "show me your grills" or whatever and he's like "wow.. barbecues are almost as hot as bling right now.."
nevermind he still has no idea what bling is. he's still convinced that my real definition of grills is a joke.
you are beyond adorable, and i looove that little dress. ill try my hardest to fit in. i bet you'll be taller than me soon!
my dad wears sweater vests too.
and i wear dresses as skirts, too!
internet high five ^^
awesome foto decadent pic. its very inspiring :D
how do you block searches?!? i need to know!
Heavyweights is one of the funniest moves ever. Also, you're adorable.
I wear sweater vests!!! I consider myself to be "hip" but it took me a moment to realize the rapper reference. I'm so happy I found your blog, by the way.
Whoa, April I think I have a new found love for my TI-89.
Thank you, Heather, I haven't heard of Lisa Frank in eons. I still don't know who she is, but I remember the name on the trapper keeper (I can't believe I used that in a sentence).
Hahaha..."I don't know of him, and I'm very hip"
I completely adore this blog.
Thanks guys!
Mary-I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THE GRILLZ THANG. So, so good. I say our fathers go head-in-head in a contest for who is more hip, no?
High five Yoncto!
Tanggg-At the blogger dashboard, you go to Settings, then scroll down to "Let search engines find your blog?" :)
yes, comme des garcons does mean 'like boys' or 'like the boys'
but did you know that despite the androdgynous, uniform-like look, she chose chose the name simply because she liked it? i thought that was cool.
lol @ the TI thing. You really didn't know who he was? That's pretty hilarious. :] Even my dad knows who TI is. If you ever check him out listen to the songs My Type, No Matter What, and Dead and Gone. They are pretty good. He's not an amazing artist but some of his stuff is decent if you look past all of the mainstream garbage.
Anyways I like your blog. It's really cool.
the fact that you're only 12 is astonishing. keep up the good work kid.
yo dude! you are like the most awesome 12 year-old i know. or dont know or... yeah. you are the nizzle,
keep up the good work.
I love your dad's self-proclaimed hipness. My dad has a purple cape and a top hat he breaks out for semi-average occasions, perhaps they would get along?
I like your crooked sweater.
you are so awesome. come i couldn't have been as cool as you when i was 12???
and you have really beastly taste as well. one of my favorite blogs. your outfits are so cool. i reallyy want your h&m/cdg sweater and your tights w/ the 2 different colors. among other things of yours.
lol bout the TI thing...i love my calculator. but my friend has a pink TI and i want it!!
who takes your pictures?
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