i've had a chicken bone lodged in my throat for 3 years

I took a couple days off from the internet for the sake of schoolwork and friends and holiday hootenanys and origami. When I came back after a couple days, our internet didn't work for some reason. Maybe it's the computer gods' way of telling me not to take Picnik and Twitter for granted. I have learned, computer gods.
Luckily, my magic powers fixed them today. What, I never told you guys I'm a magician?
On a random note, I watched My Girl for the first time this morning. WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE? Think of me, Thomas Jay?I can't wait until Thanksgiving passes and I can watch Home Alone with a clear conscience. BUZZ'S GIRLFRIEND, WOOF.

Anyways, here's today's very lacy outfit. It's strange how this morning I was about to go to the Salvation Army to search for some leather and tartan and studs (though I ended up not going), then put on this outfit with lace and pearls.

^Can you believe that photo isn't edited at all? Winter frosty air, you are so gracious to my outfit pictures.
In lieu of actual decorations for events like parties and Bat Mitzvahs, my mom makes paper flowers out of coffee filters and tissue paper. Economical crisis, you ain't got nothing on us. Did I mention the outfit totaled to 2 bucks?Hmmm, I guess crossing my arms is how I keep warm. It's getting colder and colder and I love it.

And now it's time for some...In poem form.
The CDG for H&M top I bought is finally up on eBay
It's blue and size 8/38 and has cool splotchy dots
There's really not much else to say
Except that I'm done with this post and am going to eat grilled cheese and check Post Secret and cannot think of anything to rhyme with dots

Good night.


The Stylish Wanderer said...

good night to you tavi!

anyway, lace is definitely the flu in the blogosphere, I just posted about some I got the other day. More on that later (if you ever do get to walking over to my blog, ehem... ;)

I love the black in this, oh so sophisticate. What about the dropcrotch pants? are you sellling those?

Anonymous said...

You are outrageously epic! lol and I love it.

Tavi said...

Stylish Wanderer-The pants were bought already! I should have mentioned them earlier. Though they were a size 12, I'm not sure they would have fit you.

Thank you Emmy :)

sophie said...

You take such marvelous pictures, the last one is editorial-worthy.

Nadine said...

Gorgeous outfit and amazing photos - that close-up profile is sensational.

Soul Tanggg said...

ahhhh tavi! you're too amazing.
i love the profile picture of you looking at the coffee filter flowers in black and white.
completely perfect!

if you ever get the chance to see My Girl 2, WATCH IT!!! it's just as good!

Martin said...

The last picture is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost 30 and already a mom and I swear I hope my daughter grows up to be like you :)

Joyce Kwok said...

y'know how much i love you?!!

Anonymous said...

When Culkin dies of BEES I cry and cry and cry. O, melodrama. Always gets me.

And the kiss! Oh, the kiss!

EMMA said...

STUNNING outfit. you're truly one talented young women...I love your work you have a really unique and quirky nature about you I only discovered your blog a month ago and I'm still surprised at the fact you're only 12 years of age! it truly amazes me; the talent you behold and I wish to have half the style to posess and i'm 14! you're awesome tavi..mwa xx emma!

Anonymous said...

My favourite outfit yet...the tights go so well! I'm trying to find a good way to wear lace myself, but looking at your outfit, I think just lots and lots of it will work just as well as one piece... z xxx

J.Yo said...

you are seriously pretty in the last picture!

and my girl made me weep when the boy died! i think that's my first experience, at 10-years old,crying because of a movie.

oh and the first kiss is just so sweet..

emily said...

the outfit was two bucks?!?! and amazingly awesome-looking? punk rock, tavi! ;D
i'm jealous!
i can hardly ever seem to get clothes for free... i'm working on it, though, haha.
that last picture is gorgeous. you have a perfect profile. and yay for studs and leather and tartan ^^

Hannah said...

Your pictures are just so so pretty! It reminds me of a mystical frozen forest or something.

Velvet said...

Amazing pictures!!

Syed said...

The outfit looks fantastic! And My Girl is an awesome movie no?!

kelsea said...

that last photo is gorgeous!

sam said...

these pictures are amazing. no joke!

In-tree-gue said...

These pictures are magnificent. I can't get over how creative you are! I'm so jelous

Katy said...

I love your outfit! Layering skirts = awesomeness. I love the pearls, the lace, the cardigan, the eveything. You remind me of a ghost from around 1900, in the best possible way.

Anonymous said...

hahahah you're hilarious. i forget how i stumbled upon your blog but it will remain comfortably nestled in my bookmarks.

Anonymous said...

Come to Tumblr! We'd love to have you!

chloe said...

My Girl is probably one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. However, don't watch the sequel - it's terrible.

Anonymous said...

These pictures make me feel more excited about winter. The profiles are truly excellent Tavi. You're an inspiration! Love the paper flowers.

Amelia said...

I love these pictures! The lace is nice.

style-magnet said...


Terry said...

I love that layering lace. And I've never seen that movie before, but MACAULAY CULKIN!!! Always a place in my heart. <3

Anonymous said...

this is an amazing post.

but your outfit is even more.
i hate to admit it (b/c you're so young!), but you're really inspirational :)

Anonymous said...

the last shot is grrrrreat.

Hanna said...

You glorious glorious child. My praise is becoming weak and redundant. aaaagh.

That movie is such a bummer. Yes, I'm totally bringing that word back...

Katie said...

that picture of your profile and your all black and shadow-like is awesome sauce.

ZOE said...


the thing i like best about your blog is when you say my favorite quotes from my favorite movies. I also cannot wait to watch Home Alone, or Elf.

holly said...

i love your skirt!
and the tights down on the other post (:

Isabel said...

The lace looks so romantic in an Edgar Allan Poe-is way. And $2! Holy crap, that's the way to shop!

Mariposa Latina said...

omg my girl is the best i cry everytime.

Anonymous said...

You have the best profile EVER!

Rachel said...

Don't forget to watch My Girl 2, and there might even be a third...

Untitled said...

love love love love the lace!! (*thumbs are up*)

love love love postsecret too!!

Anonymous said...

i love those silhoette photos, the pretty-ness blows my mind. lately, i've been feeling that you have a real quirky-but-not-in-an-annoying-way, art student. you show up at 4 in the morning to talk about the clash, and sit outside the met and contemplate shit for hours on end.

Kristen said...

Hey lady! Love your blog! Also, I couldn't wait till past Thanksgiving - I watched Home Alone on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

heheh... You look alike!

Selina (Flying Saucer) said...

lovin the glasses! if you like my girl (btw don't watch my girl 2, she makes out with her cousin) you might like the film dazed and confused! p.s. home alone 3 was just on the tv, what a let down without macaulay, who's great in party monster, you might like that film too!

jesse said...

me and my brothers favorite line from home alone "i got da milk eggs and fabric softener"

also: you rule, but duh everybody knows that already

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