
I was rooting around the house today and found some old photographs I really liked. Sorry if it's bad quality, we don't have a scanner!
And isn't it strange how similar the potato truck picture is to this one I took this summer?


Ana said...

Nice post. I love rooting through old pictures. Its especially amusing to look at pictures of my dad during his David Bowie worshiper years.

In answer to your question I published something to see how it would look. And then unpublished it because I didnt like how it looked to me. So I guess thats why it came up into your follower feed. Haha sorry.

Ana said...

Yeah but unfortunately no Ziggy Stardust outfits. Then again that may be a VERY fortunate thing.

Oooh thats cool. My teacher (who now wears pastel skirt jacket combos, pearls and has a bob) was apparently quite a hippie and also went to Woodstock.

Tavi said...

That's so ironic. My dad is an english teacher. Is it that all now nerdy teachers were once hippies, smoking and wearing john lennon glasses and sporting fros and wearing flower necklaces made from grass?

Actually...I'm rather glad my dad doesn't have woodstock pictures. Very, very glad.

Ana said...

Whoa that is ironic! Maybe there was an English Teachers Going to Woodstock Convention and they all chilled together?

Haha yeah you probably don't want to see your dad at Woodstock...

Tavi said...

Convention? Maybe even a cult.

Anna Shapiro said...

The third picture is adorable!
I love looking trough old pictures, especially when I visit family in Germany, and I get to look at old German pictures.

Uhh europeans are like ten katrillion times cooler, and its mega depressing, haha.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi, just wanted to let u know that I took the Twiggy inspired picture to post on my blog about u. If u have any problems w/ it, let me know, I'll take them off.

Thanks. I'm a huge fan!

Amelia said...

I love the 3rd picture and the potato truck picture. Old pictures are so cool.

Tavi said...

anna-I always loved that picture! Awesome that you have family in Germany. Most of these pictures are from my dad's humble suburban childhood but my mom is from Norway, so some of it is from that as well.

mchevelle-thank you so much! It's perfectly fine you use the picture. So kind of you to write the post and to ask :)

Syed said...

Oh wow love these photos! Something about low fidelity images always appeals to me, probably why I love breaking out my old roughed up film cameras :)

Lara said...

these pictures are cool!!! every time i go to my great-grand parents house in Wales i always look through thier old family photos. the oldest ones are from the early 1800s, my greatgrand parents greatgrand parents!!! does that make any sense???

Arielle said...

Vintage pictures are so mezmorising. The smell, the black and white. So precious! I have some on my bookcase, they make nice decorations.

Isn't weird though, that when these pictures are taken, the people never thought who would see them in the future. Its just so silly.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love finding old history-rich things in my garage. Its just so invigorating to know that you're unearthing something that was before yourself, and in a different time with different people and different ways of life.

Katy said...


Anna Shapiro said...

Norway eh? You seemed a bit European looking, haha.

Sondra said...

Oh, those are so cool. I love finding old pictures, it's like every one tells a story. Gah, I can't explain it, but I spend so much time going through my family's ancient photos.

Isabel said...

That's so neat! I should scan some old family photos...providing I have some interesting ones like you do!

The Spelunkers said...

okay, I like your header, I really do, but if you used one of these photos I would LURVE your header. true story.
also, the chanel photo is making me blind because it's so wonderful. as in shiny white light wonderful.
--the lightning
(ps does one have to comment on what a blogger has posted? or can one also ramble on aimlessly, about topics unrelated to those of the blog?)

City Chic Please said...

awwww, the third picture is really cute!

and i can totally see my english teacher from last year at some sort of poser woodstock. or at least a woodstock for democrats...

and offically moved (and can totally empathize with you. i must have had 20,000 pixy stix or something when i decided to name my site)

Tavi said...

the spelunkers-yes, I love these pictures, but I don't think any of them correspond very well to the name of my blog...maybe I'll do something in the sidebar? And yes, you're allowed to ramble as much as you please :)

drinksomegin-Yay! Thanks for the link and the empathy.

Little Lj said...

I love looking through old family pics too! I was just talking with my mom about that this weekend, and how its such a shame that so many of our old photos never get seen as they are stored in boxes. We're currently trying to come up with some cool ideas to display them...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I was going to ask you about the norwegian flag cause I'm norwegian but then I read your comments and found out that your mom is norwegian. That is awesome. Snakker du norsk?

Love Mai - http://mailinn.blog.com

Tavi said...

Ya, jeg can snakker lit norsk og svensk.
But not very fluently :/ I'm best at it when I'm there...surrounded by people talking it!

Emilia Linnea said...

Ahh I never realized you were Norwegian! I am too!
Do you know which part of Norway your family is from? I'm from Kristiansand. Is Tavi your full name? I've never heard it before :P

Tavi said...

That's so cool! My mom is from Oslo but my dad is from the US. Tavi is actually a Hebrew name, not Norwegian, since my family is Jewish. But yes, tis my full name :)

Anonymous said...

vel, bloggen din er veldig bra! artig å lese! jeg ville aldri gjettet at du bare er tolv år!

I assume you can read norwegian, eh?

Anonymous said...

Så flink du er. :)

Unknown said...

I love your style.. If I had the guts, I would go like that to :D
but hey.. It's awesome that you are from Norway. I'm actually from there. Mad random.
anyways.. as said. love your style.
keep up the good work :D

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