
Remember all my inspiration I posted yesterday? Behold.
It was mainly the collage that inspired this outfit that I wore to school yesterday, but the editorials (Coco, specifically) were too insane in the membrane not to post. Picnik has way too many awesome effects to choose from and it was hard narrowing it down to these, but there are more on my Flickr, along with detail shots.

My nose is very prominently clown-like, but it works quite well here.The mask is a gift from Venice, the gloves and top hat were found in the family dress up box, the dress was bought at a theater that was getting rid of costumes, the tights are from american apparel, and the scarf is my mom's.


  1. haha i love picnik!! you should also try fotoflexr

  2. Hello. I'm new blog reader of yours. I enjoy reading and seeing the imaginative and quirky styles you come up with. Anywho if you are looking for a photo editing software you should try out these free online apps called and's pheonix editor. I use both of them and are good photoshop substitutes


  3. You rock those tights every time! Nice combo with the dress :)

  4. Thanks for the editing tips and lovely comments :) aw, y, I totally over-wear them but they are just. too. good.

  5. You did such a nice job! One of your very best editorials so far! The styling was really cohesive!

  6. wow!! you are soo pretty! goshhhh i wich i could get clothes like yours, there are only like 4 shops over here though, and yeah theyre all pretty generic. =]

  7. hi. Wonderful pictures. I love the style of all your photos anyway.

    Question: do you read ALL of your comments? (cause ya get a lot)

  8. I most certainly do read all your guys' lovely comments :)

  9. I love the make-up , and that hat makes everything incredible. Ridiculously so. What are you going to be for Halloween?

  10. These pics are so amazing! I love the 4th. I can definitely see your inspirations in this outfit.

  11. simply amazing. your whole carnival theme has inspired me.

  12. Thanks guys!
    Chessie, I'm not sure. I might be the hulk, since I already have the costume from years ago, and I already gotz the ~muscles~ fo shiz.

  13. loving the top hat and the venetian mask - these photos are fantastic as always!

  14. VERY nice.

    You should work in some shots of you with/playing your guitar. Might as well merge your passions, right?

  15. WOW. I just started reading your blog, but so far I'm REALLY impressed! =)

  16. i love this post so much. the styling, editing...wonderful!! you're the coolest girl in town.

    xx L

  17. oh tavi
    love your outfits
    makes me smile


  18. Hey, so I've read your blog a bit but have never commented before, but I had to say: These. Photos. Are. Fantastic. Everything works together perfectly, and the venetian mask is an especially great touch.

  19. This is genuinely creative, you know. Not just the fashion -- the photography. I don't even recall how I came across your blog about a month ago but I've been extremely impressed by both the verve you show in your styles, and the growth in skill you've manifested in presenting them visually and in your writing.

    Stick with it -- all of it. If you feel like you've found your calling, well, perhaps you have.

  20. I'm assuming you took all these photos yourself yourself? In which case, wow. Especially love the first and last ones, and the muscles. Rrrowr.

  21. i wish i had theaters selling their costumes here.
    sadly, they didnt.

    love love ur dress!

  22. These are sooo cool!

    I love how each image grabs your attention in a different way. You're so creative!

    -Christian van de Werken

  23. GOSH. you look like a creepy circus conductor... veeeerrryy nice... how do you manage to get so many people reading your blog? I've pretty much started mine and it has NO ONE.


  24. I loveee your blog.
    Your writing style is so unique and interesting, it "grabs the readers attention" as English teachers say. I have the same question as fairy queen, how did you manage to get so many readers?
    I've just started one and want more people to visit.

    xx Maddi

  25. This is such an awesome photoshoot! Looks like that inspiration board was VERY inspiring!

  26. OK, one more thing to add.

    The last photo in the series is, to my eye, the most striking. The siding in the image is almost like rays of the sun pointing to or emanating from you, or it could almost be interpreted as an angelic hint, a being of lift and light spreading her wings and getting ready to fly. A dove, a goddess, an angel or a dream -- there are lots of possible meanings behind that one stark photo.

    Added to the mystery is the total blackness around your features, which suggests the void in the best ways -- becoming, preparing to find the light, growth and blossoming.

    You might not have consciously intended any of that, but the symbolism is rich, and I've found in my own creative career that the best things I've ever done have been spur-of-the-moment things that just felt right in some way; and only later, after some thought, have I realized how weirdly profound it was.

    That final photo is like that, as is the one you posted a few days ago with your shoes over the red leaf.

    This is a beautiful thing you are doing here. Please keep doing it, whatever it is -- just let your heart and imagination guide you, as they have been so far.

    The tomorrow you are making for yourself now is unbelievably rich, in the best sense of the word. I see profundity in nascence; I see a light and energy that truly could change the consciousness of all those it touches. I know how bizarre that seems -- you're just trying on clothes and putting images online and such -- but this is a rare jewel you're presenting here, and I would not be a fan if I didn't see something genuinely worthy in your work.

    Stay with it, play with it, love and enjoy it. Keep being the girl who wants to beat up Shredder, and I'm pretty sure you'll be a woman who will energize, enable and empower thousands, possibly millions.

    Best to you. Thanks for this wonderful sharing.

  27. all of these are so great! i love your makeup. topshop has a collection that reminds me of this look. (i swear i don't endorse topshop, i'm just really obsessed, haha)

  28. OMG, you would be perfect for a Marc Jacobs ad!

  29. these are fantastic, you have a really good eye for photography. and yay i love raiding the dress up box for outfits!

  30. what a adorable post, i love the photos. your so mature for your age. i love that. esp your picturees!


  31. you are so talented! wonderful pictures!

  32. Thanks again dudes <3

    And Warren, thank you so, so much. If I knew HTML I would make that "so" italicized. I'll carry what you said with me. When I took the last picture I wanted there to be a silhouette, and that you couldn't make out my features. To begin with I wanted it to be against a blank wall so the profile stood out more, but you make an excellent point. Did I say thanks? Thanks :)

    For fairy queen and maddi, Belle of Fashion Pirates and I will be doing a vlog collaboration in which we talk about blog popularity and comments and such. I don't want to say everything right here, so just stay tuned for that!

    And Lauren, thanks for the link, I love the collection.

  33. I can definitely see the inspiration - the outfit is fabulous. You took some really excellent pictures, Tavi! But I have to ask - did you actually wear the makeup on your cheek to school? ;)

  34. Unlike the time I drew creepy mime lashes on, no, I did not wear the makeup to school :) I actually didn't have the idea until I started taking the pictures!

  35. Tavi, you are beautiful! Do you take these yourself with a self-timer/tripod?

  36. Thank you Isabel!! I take these with both a self timer and tripod.

  37. these pics rock.. props to the photographer, and I LOVE the top hat

  38. wOw!!!

    you totally rock!! I admire your cool choices...

  39. lovely.

  40. An inspiration project gone very very right....

  41. My humble tribute:

  42. you're so freakin cute! love the drss

  43. How adorable! And your dress is just so pretty!
    Your blog is just lovely, so would you like to exchange links with me perhaps? --<-@

  44. awesome
    i especially love the last photo =D

  45. photoshop has an online photo editer now. i think it's or just

    i hear it's pretty nifty

  46. tavi, you are so cool sometimes it makes me want to curl up with a bio textbook and a game of Dungeons & Drangons and just stop trying. you have single-handedly raised my esteem for middle-schoolers.

  47. Tavi, you look like you're out of an editorial. Simply amazing.

  48. Thank you guys! And foolfashion, such a sweet post! <3
    OMGZ, free photoshop? Holy shit. I actually have it but can not figure it out for the life of me so I hope the online one is easier.
    I'm glad I improved your opionion of sevies, sixthies, and eighthies, jew. If it makes you feel any better I play Zoombinis a lot and have ever since first grade.

  49. see, the fact i know exactly what you are refering to there undercuts your reassurances, but i appricaite the thought. you're so nice to a lowly wears-a-variation-on-the-same-outfit-once-a-week, maskless, top hat-less plebian...

  50. I love these pictures! They (and you) are wonderful!

  51. These pictures are seriously beautiful. I'm really impressed by your photographic eye. Anyone who loves clothes and photography is definitely awesome in my book. And the outfit in the pictures is pretty swell as well.

  52. your photos are amazing. so much better than i could ever achieve. impressed!

  53. tavi -- that last picture is damn cool. it's framed well and the lighting is intriguing.

  54. you're style is absolutely grand. what editing program do you use for your photos? hmm?

    ps. i'm Anna :D

  55. Thanks, Nadine. And thanks, Tavi. I meant every word, and ganked your photo to prove a point. You rock, fo' shizzle.

  56. wish i were that cool at you age :P

    girl you are amazing!!!

    i would so like to interview you sometime if fancy too!

  57. hmm... I wanna do your makeup for you some time.

    I may send you pics of what I do in my show. I think you'd like it.


  58. GAH! i'm so glad you linked to this in a recent post, or else i would have never seen it, and these pics are FREAKING AMAZING.

  59. these shots are just beyond words, adore them!:)

  60. so much love.
    also, I have the two-color AA tights in pink/purple :D
    god why do i sound so annoying on the internet

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  62. In 2008 I was 37, my longest year. I worked a dead-end job and was married to someone but I loved the house he came with more than I realized. Not so much him. And I would read your blog while at work. I read many, many blogs while at work, and it was nice to wear a cardigan, be cozy in my spinny chair with two tea bags steeping in an orange Fiesta teapot on my desk and just read all my blogs, chatting with co-workers and then, those last three hours before I went home, did actual work. Back then I never dreamed I'd be banished from the house where I planted trees my grandfather started, never knew how I would live without him in the world, and never thought a marriage in the Catholic church (which meant I was dead serious) would end in a messy divorce and that I'd run off with someone I met...on one of the blogs I read. I ran away from that dead-end job and all my blogs. I had a baby, had a very messy life with the baby's father, and my life fully with my baby girl. Thankfully he was only around Friday nights and left Sunday mornings. I enjoyed it all and now I am a single mother. I have rewound way back, back...back to where I lived before I started my real life at 18 (in Austin). I am now a 52-year-old woman (WHAT?!) who works remotely for PITT and has an 11-year-old daughter. The day she turned 11 I couldn't help but think how the years are slipping away. I thought of you and your blog. I didn't look at your blog again until today. It's been 12 years. She's all about fashion and says things like "This place has the stench of the patriarchy, wait, someone is making a quesadilla, smells like a quesadilla." She still loves dolls, very much, and Sonic Youth, Bikini Kill, and The Linda Lindas. Coming back to your blog made my head spin as you are all grows up now and I see how little 11 is. I needed to see how little 11 still is. Also, I'm worlds away from who I was in 2008.
