Cried all night til there was nothing more

(the last 2 are on Emily's account because I was too lazy to sign out.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I am now searching all over the Topshop site for that purple jacket!

LEESH said...

just found your blog. love it.
linking you!


Anonymous said...

Nice sets, I go on polyvore because I have no life or any other redeeming value.

recombined said...

ooo! into she & him?? I love them also. good stuff.

and how good are danny's drawings... A.MA.ZING!

chlozzard said...

i love thr 2nd collage most :)

Jessi Huey said...

ah the heath ledger is INCREDIBLE in dark knight :) I love the 2nd collage the most. seeing your collages have me hooked on polyvore.:)

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

such creative collages...i particularly love the flapper-inspired one, that make-up is so pretty!

Samantha said...

OH MY. Now that I have seen your Joker polyvore set, I am seriously wondering why I haven't seen any similar sets on other people's blogs yet, in a Why Didn't I Think Of That way. That topshop Batman tee reminds me of a (less pointy, less edgy-looking) shirt from delia's..

Unknown said...

Wow! Those are great!

it's an addiction. said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

1st and 3rd are my faves. love both of the looks- really wish i lived back then..

cute post!

harryshouldnotblog said...

Tavi, you're grand.

Read my blog?

Biianca said...

AHH! I love them all especially the second one!! amazingness!!

LEESH said...

shut up i just read on the UO blog that you're only 12?!?! giiirrrrlll-- you got it goin on!

go you!

Erin said...

I admire your polyvore skills! These are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Tavi you are fierce! Keep it up. Love you blog. I am totally a fan now. Check out my hats and scarves


ps: don't stop blogging!

Audrey Leighton said...


My name is Audrey Rogers. I am style editor for The Durham Sanctuary University Newpaper, I also am a contributor for and have my own blog: I just wanted to say, that I LOVE your blog, its content is truly inspirational and I love the way you present fashion to your blogger audience. Yours has, I must admit, become a must-read for me. Anyway, I was wondering, would you like to exchange links? Personally I would love to reccommend your blog to my readers and would really appreciate it if you did the same for me. So let me know, check me out on, for some delicious fashion ramblings and digressions!

xxxx audrey leighton rogers

Lauren said...

beautiful little outfit sets - i want them all!

omg LOVE She & Him :D

Tru said...

love the joker set

Jessi Huey said...

I love your blog! wanna exchange links??

Sonya said...

i cant believe you are so young man.
the blogworld is talking about you.
thats crazy... anyway i really like your blog and i will definitely add it to my favorites :)
you rock

David Everitt-Carlson said...

Kooooooooooooooooooooool! Here are some blogs from Vietnamese kids who will be lookin' at yours and stealing all the styles they like!

Check em out...


tami i love the first set!
and i love your new blog layout!
your blog changed so much!!

luceeey said...

I love, love, love your blog, its quite amazing. You have super style ;'D i'm linking you coss everyone should read yourr blog ;'D

Anonymous said...

really cute!
i love love love the boots in the last image!
ugh i want them so bad

molly said...

very cool, i especially like the last one!

Hanna said...

I kind of love the little car most of all. I am such a fashion blog traitor.

Squishybubble said...

Greeeat sets!! I love the one with the Luella top! Tres chic! XDD

sophie said...

Love all of them! When can we expect your much-anticipated video post?

we could grow up 2gether said...

the green dr martens are GLORIous

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

I hope this isn't the only thing you do with your life.

Rebecca Jane said...

These are great! I love the coats and hats in the bottom set. But that blue coat in the batman set is amazing!

Shes Dressing Up said...

love all of these, the coats are amazing

Tavi said...

fashionista-Blogger won't upload it, but hopefully soon if at all! Dumb technical difficulties. Rawr.

elizabeth-Nope. I also create fictional characters that would appear on Maury with my friend, eat Italian ice and ride my bike at the same time, watch documentaries about Jackie O, and write screenplays about gambling grandmas. On this blog I display only some of my thrilling pasttimes.

Girls: Top Secret said...

Great Blog, You put a lot of work into it. We just stated ours.

Kali & Ali


i just went through the comments to check if i already commented this post and noticed i wrote tami instead of tavi im sooo sorry i just hit the wrong button i know your names tavi.

Tavi said...

oh don't worry about it! I actually didn't notice xD

maddie said...

what what? Your blog could beat my blog up any given day of the schoolweek!

true story: top shop is carrying flapper dresses right now so i would pounce on that before all the skinny brits take em!

visit my blog?

thanks and keep posting durin the school year!

IRIS and PIETER said...

oh i love this!
really nice!

Closet Shots said...

i love your blog! for awhile.. I thought I was the youngest so you go girl ;)

Unknown said...

excuse me. ur site is very good and so informative.. looking forward and thanks alot. may u have a great future...
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