What I wore with a sweaty summer expression...

Anddd today I hung out with a friend downtown.
Dear staff of Jimmy Johns,
Howdy! I really admire you for having the courtesy to donate free smells to everyone who walks in your door. You also make a wicked #4. Sorry that today my friend and I bought a loaf of bread that cost 50 cents and paid with a twenty. We didn't have anything smaller and we could tell you were a little P-Oed. You didn't deserve it, so here is my love, making up for wasting your time.
Kisses not disses, hugs not thugs,

so 70s!!! the jungle gym is the kicker!
so cute, I miss my parents' old place with the jungle gym in back :( PS: I used to collect those little troll dolls in elementary school, they were my pride & joy! <3
Is it possible that you could adopt me? We could watch Kathleen 'Da Man' Turner films and I'll bake as many 50 cent loaves of bread that we want? YESSIR.
I promise full access to my limited wardrobe and my broke-ass, old school sewing machine to make all sorts of fun new DIY.
I loaf you, yes - I said it. Loaf.
your floral outfits is great. I love the photo with the monkey bars. I always fall off those
Holy crap. You're seriously adorable.
You're co cute in all floral!
I really like the mixed florals. And I love trolls! I wonder where all of my old ones went...
I love the florals-on-florals thing.
OMG the troll! that just took me back a few years! great florals!
Look so nice! I am in love with florals. I want floral Docs as well! Where on earth does one find such things?!
Yay! Troll heads are my fave :)
AHHHH! I love the troll head! Trolls are so funny, they always make me think of Mimi from Drew Carey.
And thanks so much for putting the link up. Hipster Musings <3's Tavi!
Yay to the troll, and that floral dress is super! The second outfit is fantastical retro :)
OMG OMG OMG tavi no way!!! why are we always in the same places?!?! i was in saratoga with my all girls camp and i saw that 'the clothes horse' store and thought of that blog too. then i saw your pic and i was like hey! no way! then i saw the pics of the amazing record store and i was like OMG NO WAY!!! i was there like two days ago. its an awesome store!!! btdubs, nice floral stuff. yay for docs!
the floral outfit is so cute! (although i wouldn't say the troll head is cute... C: )
tavi, your blog is so amazing i can't even describe.
Thank you for the super-shout out for the contest! You are amazing, like ice cream cake and tap dancing monkeys.
WOW girl! You are amazing! you´re compeletly adorable! KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!! / huggs from Lina LINAEMILIAA.blogspot.com
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