Guess what folks? This one isn't scheduled! I'm currently in a hotel room with my sisters while my parents are getting drunk at a wedding we weren't invited to, but that's ok. Eating Twizzlers while indulging myself in the cheesiness of
Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement works. Oooh, Anne Hathaway just told That Bad Actor Guy to get out of her life. That's what I call a Royal Treatment! God, someone just get over here and give me a life already. Via email works too.
So the trip has been going pretty good, pictures and all that later as there's still more to go. I've missed you all so much! It's really rather pitiful how hard it is for me to be away from the blogosphere for a mere few days. I did do some thrifting however.
Goodwill in Ohio (the hotel carpet is so hotel-ish):

And at this vintage store called Monk in St. Marks in NYC. (DAMMIT I'M SO SORRY BELLE AND YONCTO!) In such a punkish area I of course get the girliest things....BLOOMERS! Up here for you miss
Arabelle! And please PLEASE tell me the street style sites you got the inspiration from. I'm dying here.

And floral suspenders! The thing is, they don't have clips, they have holes for buttons. I however, contrary to popular believe, am not an old man, so I don't have buttons on my pants for them to clip on to. Ideas, kind friends?
Tonight I was also super bored in the hotel room. I normally wouldn't post pictures so close to my....face. Yeah, I guess you could call it that.

The dots are inspired by some chick on Facehunter who was also rocking some nice geek specs.

Stars just seemed like fun.

AHH. CDG/Tao. Of course I would never dare to create a CDG adaptation outfit and claim it to be any good, so the outfit is just random shit. It was really hard not to write "Be Inspihdgjhrjgeb" as my hand is very unsteady.
More soon, sister wants her laptop!
Much love!
i'm going to write that on my face too tommorow, except it's going to say "BE INSPIRED -- BY TAVI"
it's a religion, not a blog.
stephanie was actually the chick that showed me the sites, it's here . i will warn you in advance you will probably die going through them all, there are like 32483242342342424 links.
also, how long are you in the tri state area? i have school and stuff starting monday but i can make time afterwards to chill. :D
oooohh i love the sweater in the third pic!
The floral skirt with the checks are amazing! I like how you drew inspired always below your eyes!
The geometric print sweater is so lovely: want it!
As for the suspenders you can:
1. Sew buttons on all your clothes (not reccomended)
2. Buy some clip things from a habidashary (sp?) store, and sew them on.
3. Use safety pins. Why not?
Have a nice rest-of-trip.
SAFETY PINS. I'm slow. Thank you ella!!
love the bloomers and the floral suspenders!
you are amazing. the be inspired always thing is so cool.
TAVI..did you get sunnies? in every color imaginable? also, yes, i had a side pony and JP had wayfarers in his shirt pocket. x
Only you could pull off a zany Cosby sweater and look fantastic. I'm eager to see what you do with it.
thank God ella came up with safety pins...I swear, my ideas were "I dunno...tie a knot?"
haha, that could work could get a ribbon in between the 2 holes and make just might not be sturdy enough.
but they are the coolest suspenders in town, of course, you bought them!!!
have fun fun fun, and come back soon!!!
(by that time, I will have hopefully made a new post...holy cow, how do you do it when you're on vacation!!!)
lots of love, always
<3 xx
(I also hope you get to watch Friends while you're there...I die without Friends ((show, and real people...the latter not being so important)), naturally.)
I'll stop now. :)
that photo of you in the jacket with the writing under your eyes is so so perfect. in fact, i may have to credit you with inspiration for a couple of photographs i'm planning to shoot with my lovely slr film camera, if you don't mind of course...
ahh you are just about the coolest person i have ever seen!
I love all the sweaters you found and the suspenders are to die for!
Im glad your having fun on your trip!
That second 'Be Inspired Always' picture is so...inspiring!
Haha I love the bloomers! Maybe wear them with some bright opaque tights underneath?? And I recommend finding over-sized super-cute safety pins for the suspenders!
Sweet finds... especially the bloomers, hahaha. Your face looks wunnerful both far away and close up.
Love your sweater and the cardigan!
Super pieces, love the first sweater and that cardigan!!
I love the black sweater, in the thrid picture.
You have so much style and inspiration. I love it! PS: I tagged you, because you deserved a place in my list! ♥
cute stuff you boughtt. i esp. like the plaid shirt.
gosh, i applaud your skill on writing on your face in the mirror. i think i tried once; it didn't work out too well.
haha, saw that you're listening to once on this island. i love ooti, mainly b/c my stepsister was ti mourne (or however you spell it) in her production. and it was probably the weirdest thing ever, considering they probably cut half of it, but still good. :)
wow awesome post!!! looove the first skirt you bought, and the sweaters are all amazing too!!
~XOXO, lulu
I love those sweaters and SUSPENDERS! Ooooh, you are so sweet :D
I love that third sweater so much!
I love everything
your eyes are gorgeous
I love you
Just discovered your blog... amazing stuff and yes, you can do a CDG/TAO look....
i love those sweaters they are so neat. i was just wandering how old you are because your style is so chic.
Thanks for the comment :) your pictures are always so inspiring. I also think you have the prettiest face.
aww cool that ur on vaca
so am i!
haha, did u use liquid eyeliner for the writing??
really love the jacket in the last pic
speaking of anne hathaway, even though Get Smart the movie sucked (nothing like the TV show) i LOVE LOVE LOVED all of anne's jackets!
but i went online and couldn't find any and when i did find the same style but different colour from Tory Burch, it was like 300 bucks i think.
so sad
tavi, when I say "I sort of love you" I mean "I SORT OF LOVE YOU"
I think we should do some sort of a joint post...I mean, we should both do a post where we each have a coherent theme and dress up like we were doing a photoshoot together!!! That. would. be. so. awesome.
I'm thinking geek - cause we've already got that one DOWWWWWWWN.
Tell me what you think!!!
Hope you're having fun :)
OH MY GOD - YOU ARE TOO COOL. Can we please talk about how stylish you are !? I was never this awesome at your age, you're totally gorgeous! I'm so excited you stopped by to comment, I had to know about you and your fabulous blog, bella! Thank you so much for voting, you're a doll!
I want to go shopping with you, such cute items!
cool sweaters! i love the eyemakeup
Awesome Awesome sweaters
i love the sweater with tons of color !
you always have cool posts ! :)
Random shit looks pretty freakin' chic.
cute sweaters!
a kiss!!
Cute sweaters! I like the eye makeup stuff. And I like the last picture with your outfit.
If you weren't so tiny, I'd steal them from you and wear them.
The star's my favorite (with the eye thing). I can actually imagine myself wearing that to school.
isn't garcons and tao just amazing? they are my fashion gods.
i draw stars on my face sometimes too. it's fun :D
BLOOMERS! Anyway, the eyeliner is sick, especially the "be inspired always"!
that is so awesome that you were ti mourne!! i agree, i bet the real version of the musical was better. i hate jr. versions of stuff haha
holy shit woman you have en epic amount of comments but they still don't love you half as much as i, no no no.
i'm going to wear suspenders and stripey socks tommorow just because.
also we should combine our wicked poem skillz and form the first blog rap group ever. we could makes beats on vintage and inspiring ways to wear mascara on your face. deal? dead.
I love ALL of those colours in your collection of clothes, they are such a great mix of bright and dark. Also loving that cute little David Bowie style star on your face :D
dang girl, great finds! i hardly go vintage shopping, no one to drive me :( . but those bloomers! whew, all the possibilities.
ahahah i loooved your comment. Sounds like a GREAT plan...when do we start ? :p
hi i've never commented or anything before but i love your blog.anyways hello:] i love the bloomers and suspenders!they would be adorable together.
you should sew buttons to the inside of your pants. just make sure you use buttons that are big enough to keep the suspenders on with out falling off.
Third sweater LOVE. It makes me think of my kindergarten teacher. I mean, in a good way. Like she gave me juice and crackers way.
Please don't think I'm a creeper because I just saved most of your makeup pictures into my inspiration folder. That last picture is REALLY KICK ASS.
You look stunning. I adore how you coordinated your outfit. I too, am a youngster. So I'm glad I found you.
I always enjoy reading your posts, which is a very nice compliment since I mostly look at other blogs for their amazing pictures ha. Fantastic thrift finds - that cardigan with the geometric shapes is simply AMAZING! What you did with the eyeliner (was it eyeliner?) was really creative. The second to last picture would make a really cute banner at the top! :)
U r a fashion addict ! If u want, I invite u to come to see some of the most beautiful heels, dresses and bags of the Paris fashion weeks and many more...!
ahh! Love the cardi and suspenders! Keep up them posts, lovin them!
those suspenders are amazing. i now feel like i desperately need a pair. You could sew on the buttons i suppose... might be a pain doing it on all your trousers though.
i used to to the star thing a lot. unfortunately i also used a lot of purple glitter. i would usually use the fact i was only 13 at the time as an excuse, but that wouldn't really work with you!
sew buttons on your pants. and then, when you're not wearing the suspenders but you are wearing the pants, you can hang stuff from those buttons. like sausage links.
you are so cute. and your eyes are gorg.
haha, you should be in marc jacobs ads-you totally fit!
(if someone didn't already suggest)
instead of safety pins use punk pins as faketemporary buttons. punk pins = those round ones with pictures in them that say clever things.
About the suspenders with buttonholes, you could just pin safety pins inside your waistband. Horizontally, so you can push the buttonholes through them and voila! they stay on!
if you still have the suspeneders, you could use badges- more funky than safety pins :)
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