Bad blogger etiquette!!! I know I know!!! I haven't posted in a while....and my last few posts have been kind of "fillers" I'd guess you say....blah. It's the SCHOOL, I tell you, wretched school! Even when I'm not posting, I've been spending so much time commenting and browsing, and I'm still behind on my work....fhsdxbgfjaetrxwae.
Dumb school. Sometimes I just want to crawl into bed and drink Nesquik and watch Seinfeld.
Well I guess I'll have to make this one another filler. Deal with it, punks.
SO, I recently started listening to Lily Allen. In case you haven't heard of her, she's a singer from the UK. Her music is sassy and upbeat and fun fun fun.
In British Vogue May 2008. she was named It Girl of the month. So I thought I would make a collage of some of my favorite outfits of hers...

While I'm at it I guess I'll suggest some of my favorite songs of hers:
-Everything's Just Wonderful
-Take What You Take
-Shame For You
See you soon (hopefully)
Yes, Lily Allen is so cool! You described her perfectly.
School will only get me...ugh.
And I do admire Lily Allen's funky style.
lily allen is great.
i think these posts are just as interesting as the ones with you in them. but yeah i agree, these posts arent as fun haha. lily allen is amazing and so is her style..and school does suck. i pretty much agree with everything in this post.!
I definitly get the whole school thing. The end of the year can be so obnoxious. I love Lily Allen's style, It's just so cute and so fun, like you said.
I love Lily Allen. I think I just have an attraction towards the style of Brits in general.
When you get to high school, it will be a nightmare much worse than what you are experiencing right now! Believe me...
i love "everything is wonderful".
that is like the theme song to my life :)
haha at the nesquik and seinfield thing...describes what i want as well
the question is which flavor of nesquik hmm? I'm a chocolate gal.
And ah i like lily allen even though lately she's been dabbling too much into the fashion scene, hanging out with karl, wearing tons of chanel....i dunno, i worry about her fame getting to her head
I adore lilly allen! She has a great style I think. and her music is just fabulous.
hi stylish friend
i just discovered your blog and he looks great
I just wanted to tell you that I met Sarah Jessica parker / Sex and the city Monday in Paris and did great shots that you’ll certainly like
I also got great shots during the sunny days in Paris
Have a look and enjoy !
and may be one day i 'll be in your fav blogs ! lol
Street style romancer in Paris
Her songs are cute, but she's not my favourite.
Jello on Springs- I'm chocolate, definitely. In fact I'm drinking some right now! And I haven't been paying that much to Lily Allen, but that's really a shame and just disappointing.
Style and the City- Ahhhhh that is awesome!!!!! There are not enough exclamation points in the world for that.
Meg- Ah come on. You can come up with better word choice, that's a bit harsh.
I love lily allen!!
ughhh. I hate school...and I hate to break it to you....but it only gets worse. Its a fact of life!!!
but dont fret too much! your filler posts are still quite interesting
i can totally relate to not posting for a long period of time!
i've never actually heard her music, but know who she is due to my secret love of gossip rags...she definitely always looks cute.
Lily Allen has really good music.
i heard of lily from is a country in Asia!!..lily is my icon on her music to much!!LBD!!love it!!
Lily Allen is fabulous
i love her too! sneakers and dresses, i only try to be as cool as her :(
p.s. I linked you Tavi Tavi!
Lilly Allen..where has she gone! havent heard anything new from her for ages and im from the UK!and she is hardly an IT girl...really?!
she really has a super cool style!
a kiss!!!
trade links?!
Lily Allen is fabulous!
(PS.I show her myspace and she is blond now..)
Hello hello
I wonder about something; I have read very many of your blog posts, and I have seen pictures you've taken of yourself in clothes you've bought, but I wonder what clothes you wear f. ex. at school? And at home?
Also, I was hoping you could check out me and my friends' blog which is new and fresh... In one of your posts you wrote that you speak fluently Norwegian (impressice :D) and our blog is in Norwegian... I hope you'll take a look at it!
Have a nice day!
UGH I is so blah.
Lily Allen does have cute style and her songs are so fun, sun is in the sky oh why oh why...
why oh why did lily bleach her hair?!?
I really like her style!!
I actually do not like lily allen at all,
she is amazing. or was. she's kind of falling apart a bit. but i'm all like *ahh tavi likes one of the same things as me maybe i'm a LITTLE BIT cool ahhhh* right now. =P
check out fag hag by her on youtube its like the best one!!!
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