So today my mom and I biked into what is known as "The Art District" in our town. We stopped at this records store, Val's Halla, practically a landmark. I was browsing through the records and came across The Jets. I've never heard their music before, but their outfits were so, well,
rad (you heard me.).
I ended up getting a Bob Dylan CD, a Blondie record (Debbie Harry adaptation outfit coming soon. I got a captain sailor hat at the theater thrift sale, just perfect) and a The Who record. But look at this album cover, and you just try to tell me you don't love what they're wearing:

All the bright colors! It reminds me of Saved By The Bell. Check out the guy in the red in the middle, he looks like Screech.
I think it's what drove me towards later buying a bright orange windbreaker at a thrift store. It's just so RAD.
I love it.
I am in love actually, espesh with the girl upfront
Haha, that cover is awesome! I especially like the yellow jacket.
I can't wait to see the Debbie Harry outfit!
Looking forward to the debbie harry look!
re your comment - the photos are taken in my room. the painting was done by my friend for her degree show at art school. i've somehow temporarily inherited it.
How horrifying. It took an entire decade fo people to figure out their clothes were so unflattering? I do like the colours, though.
i was just going to say it reminded me exactly of saved by the bell.
Dear, the clothing alone is just a great combination of rock&roll and pop! I love Blondie and your other great choices of music. Cannot wait to see your new outfit xxxx
haha he looks just like Screech!
amazing all here!
exchange links?
you are at my blogroll, if you don´t wanna, tell me...
a kiss and a hug,
see you,
ahhh, i love that girl with the pink suspenders. she needs to give me them now!! ha
gah I love it
they are so olorful. its amazing
ahhhh its so amazing!! So how was the music??
I need pink suspenders, now.
I have too many records I can't play on my defunct record player that costs money to fix. TRAGIC.
it's rad to use the term rad. btw, love the new profile descriptiong - it seems to describe me perfectly :)
OH really?? Well thanx fro the advise. It actually isnt that bad. But the British Vogue is soo good. Loove the photo shoots.
okay, you have amazing thing going on here!! wanna change links? i adore this blog!!!
too cool
your blog is amazing!!
many kisses!
You listen to Neutral Milk Hotel?! Wow, I love you even more now! :D
cool pic!
You know at least one of these guys is named Tino.
I LOVE "screech's" outfit...I want that red cropped jacket/blue checked trouser combo NOW. What a brilliant find. Sadly here in London all the best vintage stores have now caught on to the fact that vintage is cool - so no cheapos for us! Loveing the blog...keep up the good work ;)
you should buy this album, the jets were really fun 80's pop, and most or all of them were siblings. Their big hit was a great song called "I've got a crush on you."
I have this album! but no player. I can only appreciate the fashion and not the tunes unfortunately.
omgosh, i remember these guys - when i was younger my piano teacher had their posters all over their house...i later learned these were her nieces and nephews.
I pretty much grew up singing and listening to their songs!
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