I'm already getting a cell phone (yesss) and Nylon subscription (joy!) for my birthday, but if not, these would be at the top of my wish list! Browsing through these items (in awe and wonder, might I add) was depressing, intimidating, and tons of fun all at the same time. But what do you think? Which of these would you absolutely die for???
Yours truly,
P.S. And yes, that is a real camera! Do you love it???
I love all the bold colors.
great picks!!!
I love everything. It may be hard to find some of the pieces because you are so tiny, but hemming and altering are always a choice!
Looks fresh! Clothes to have fun in.
Primary color tights, hot pink jeans, and that baby carriage thing. Not that I have a baby, but I would totally use it.
(Do you know how awesome you are for having a coherent blog at this age? AND! Do you know how awesome you are for doing theater? Hell yes.)
Love your picks, that looks like everything that I will wasn't on my Christmas list, especially that bag with the keys on it, that is really cute :)
i would probably die for that bad ass tank on the bottom left w/ the multi-coloured triangles!
all of these are super cute! very playfull!
I love most of it, especially the camera, the colours, the tights, the dress/top thingy, the jacket, the tank top, and the coloured bag. You've got good taste, in my opinion!
great picks! i love your blog, good for you for wearing the hippie headband.
would you like to link up?
a friend of you linked you, so here i am. You have an amazing style!
so, you are in favourites!
a kiss and a hug,
keep in touch,
I just found your blog....love it!
btw u've been tagged check out my blog <3
that camera is super cute (i never say super but it seemed like an appropriate time for it!). if you want to get your fringe cut you really should get it done, my dad always hated when mine was at the 'inbetween' stage and always threatened to cut it himself! as if that was ever going to happen.
ouh, I love everything!!
nice blogg =]
great stuff!!!!!
all of the things you picked are really cute
found you from stephanie's site and i love your blog! <3 love to link with you, possible?
I lurve lomo cams! That's a multicolored Holga right? :)
tavi baby!
ily and love the clothing that you've posted
your pretty much my idol. you wear your clothes with confidence.
xoxo shmedieee
Omg!!!!!!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it <3
ahh I have that exact same camera on my wishlist :) I particularly love those purple t-bars !
wow your style has evolved so much!
The purse probably :)
Love that camera! I got it two years ago and absolutely love it!
Oh and PS, I just got a cell phone last year, and discovered/got a subscription to Nylon last year as well.
So uh yeah, YOU'RE PRETTY COOL. In 2008 I hardly knew what a blog was.
- whimsicalbutabsurd.tumblr.com
love the camera, I've been wanting one just like it
( I'm attempting to talk to 11 year old Tavi because I'm 13 now but when I was 11 I was just starting to fantasize about the art of photography so I took a darkroom class and I fell in love. sorry that was kinda a little tangent, any way your still 11 in my eyes, actually you're more like my age, and so is Olivia Bee and I just have this daydream that I walk around with every day where all of us out friends.)
excuse me, this article is so good and useful, thanks for sharing this :)
togel singapura
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