So I'm getting kind of sick of my long hair. Ok, it's more mid-length, but it feels long. And with summer just around the corner, I have been longing for a haircut. I want one that's short but still makes me look a bit older. And for goodness sake, I am not getting a soccer mom cut. Didn't look good 3 years ago, won't look decent now.
But I like change, and trying out something new. Last month I almost dyed my hair but didn't due to lack of self trust.
I've even been considering the Twiggy look. I love Twiggy, she's gorgeous, amazing...I almost wanna say "style icon" but I don't want to sound like Tyra on ANTM (by the way, who's been watching this season? We have to chat. I get very in-depth when talking Top Model.). My mom really likes the look, my dad thinks that then I'd actually look like her, haha. However, my face is pretty round so I don't know if it work look all that great. But could you picture it? Or is there another hairstyle you think would work out better? I wanna know what you think!
i know what you mean, i can't go a month (let alone a year - sheesh!) without changing my hair!!! but, ever since i cut it short, i can't imagine having long (i.e.: past the shoulders) hair anymore! i think the twiggy cut would look good on you, because of your big eyes, but if you feel your face is too round just keep it a bit past your chin maybe??? i dunno - i'm no hair expert.
wow, long comment...sorry ;)
i cut my hair a year ago (i haven't gotten it cut in like 5 months,i need a hair cut!) it went from past my shoulders to like above my chin! at first i hated it, but then i grew to love it! the twiggy cut is always really durastic! (or how ever you spell it!) and maybe you should just cut it a little bit at first! just to make sure that you want it cut
Wellll. I think you would look magnificent in that cut, but if you are unsure you can get layers cut in first to a shorter length(maybe not twiggy length) just to give you an idea..
the twiggy cut is ADORABLE, however my family friend (who is your age i think) got that cut a couple weeks ago, and ended up looking like a little boy. shes desperately trying to grow it out now. if you think itd be cute, go for it though! however i think your hair now is SO COOl and i LOVE your like wispy bangs, and i actually thing it makes you look older.
i say go for it! try it out and see, you never know!
I totally cut my hair recently, and I love it:
It did take some getting used to though!
yeah, it was pretty darn cool over there, but Europe sounds really cool too - all the history and stuff, right? i dunno, just trying not to be so boastful about my vaca ;)
i think it would suit you as you're so pretty, but i also think your hair looks great the way it is. depends how bored you are with it really. i've had VERY short hair before and it look ages to grow back.
if you want something different but less drastic you could get bangs cut in?
why does anybody tagg me to something?
ahuahahu this made me so sad =(
but anyway, loved your pics of her... :)
Twiggy on ANTM annoys me, but her look is pure Icon!
Ugh I know what you mean. My hair is soo long. I am sick of it but cannot bring myself to cut it. One day I am just going to chop it all off. I think your hair would look cute with that cut. Your cut face could pull it off. Btw I added you as a link to my new blog! Hope that it is ok! loves ya!
Twiggy will always be an icon! Great choice!! :D
your blog is coming along so nicely!!! oh, i am so tempted to see what youd look like with short hair! and you know, it struck me, you resemble twiggy a bit! the big eyes, the cuteness, the skinnyness! dress up as her, do the lashes, i think itd be really cool to see!
Your blog is so cute!! You are so cute!!!
I'm all for the twiggy haircut, but cutting my hair makes me seriously nervous. You should totally do it! It's just hair after all...
i think definitely ask a professional hairdresser. it took me ages to get my fringe (bangs) put in, and it was only after about 100 people telling me to do it! i reckon do it in stages, see how you like it shorter and see if it suits you!
Oh man you should so do it! Trust me it's so much easier to experiment with hairstyles in middle school before you have to start worrying about styling, boys, etc. Plus I bet it'll look great on you.
Twiggy cut would be very cute and very high fashion on you.
twiggy is SO gorgeous and she looks like carey mulligan (some actress) check her out ,there both so amazingly there are NO words
oh!!! twiggy's hair look great on her
u know I LOVE HER!! i mean TWIGGY she is my idol to :P
oh!!! twiggy's hair look great on her
u know I LOVE HER!! i mean TWIGGY she is my idol to :P
my cat's named after twiggy!
I have the same problem^^
Twiggy my love
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